Beyond Research: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Our research school is committed to fostering and supporting a culture that embodies equality, diversity, inclusion, and values our students as the unique individuals that they are. Diverse cultural backgrounds and perspectives open opportunities for all of us to enrich our interactions, experiences, and grow on a personal level. Diversity as such is a source of inspiration and creativity, and hence a driving force towards innovation and making a meaningful difference in life.
As PhD student you will be part of the epigenetics@HMGU community, with more than 160 PhD students and postdocs hosted by 32 teams, and more than 17 nationalities. Currently, about half of these PhD students are women, and Helmholtz Munich strives to increase the number of female researchers in leadership positions and committees. We work closely with Helmholtz Munich’s International Office for onboarding, additional support with the HELENA Graduate School, and accompany you for your next career step in collaboration with the Career Center to thrive at your full potential.
The Women@HelmholtzMunich Month aims to raise awareness for women in science and science-related positions. We reach out to all Helmholtz Munich members: Empower women to encourage a respectful togetherness!