EpiCrossBorders: International Helmholtz-Edinburgh Research School for Epigenetics -

EpiCrossBorders: International Helmholtz-Edinburgh Research School for Epigenetics

Meet the Students -

Meet the Students

EpiCrossBorders Week 2024: July 15th to 19th in Edinburgh, Scotland -

EpiCrossBorders Week 2024: July 15th to 19th in Edinburgh, Scotland

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'One Health' and the Field of Epigenetics

We are all connected!  Not just people, but all organisms and their environment.  For example, disruptions in environmental conditions and habitats can have great influence on species composition, the spread of diseases or food production. Thus, to obtain optimal health outcomes, we need a collaborative, multisectoral and transdisciplinary approach and multiple scales that recognizes the interconnections between all species: the ‘One Health’ approach.

But what are the mechanisms behind the interactions between species and their environment, and how can we study them? 

A major interface of the interconnections between species and their environment is through epigenetic processes.  Epigenetic mechanisms allow cells to react to their direct environment and adjust gene expression programms.  Hence, as individual cells and organisms shape their environment, so may the environment shape gene expression profiles of individual cells and organisms via epigenetic mechanisms.  Our understanding of these processes is crucial to improve our understanding of e.g.  the development of common diseases, such as diabetes and cancer, and to better understand and predict the consequences of climate change. 

This puts the multidisciplinary field of epigenetics at the heart of the 'One Health' approach to address major current and future challenges.


Crossing Borders: Shruta Pai

We love hearing from our PhD's abroad, and are happy to celebrate a successful, and absolutely picturesque, exchange with Shruta Pai at the University…


This July in Edinburgh: EpicrossBorders Symposium 2024

The 3rd Annual EpiCrossBorders Symposium takes place this July, from the 18-19th in beautiful Edinburgh, Scotland.  The University of Edinburgh's MRC…


Thank you!

The EpiCrossBorders team ventured to Berlin for the Midterm Review, with outstanding results! Our program was ranked among the best of all graduate…


Across Borders: Sophie!

Currently abroad in Scotland, PhD Student Sophie is enjoying her exhange experience at the University of Edinburgh.


"I am currently spending my…


Coming Up: Responsible Research

Mark July 25th in your calendar to join the next Responsible Research Day on critical aspects facing modern sciences. Bring your questions for our…